A Dozen Ways to Keep Busy During a Power Outage

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A few weeks ago, I lived by candlelight. No electricity, no internet, no running water, no refrigerator, no heat, and no oven. It was fun for a while; it was like living in the past. However, after continually trying to get things done and failing miserably for four days, life got very frustrating, very fast. So, I’ve put together a list of fun things to do to keep you busy during a power outage.

1)      Collect candles. Gather every candle and lantern that you can find in the house. Also, for more light, gather some empty glass jars, put tea lights inside, and place them all on a big metal tray (not plastic) and carry it around from room to room for some extra light. Just be cautious and extra safe about where you put flames and never leave them unattended. Duh.

2)      Play a board game. Gather your family and use candles or a flashlight to illuminate the room. Scrabble, Clue, and Life are some fun games to play!

3)      Make music. You could sing or play an acoustic instrument. If it’s too dark to read music, try playing by ear.

4)      Play hide-and-seek (or sardines). Make special rules like: you can only hide on one level of the house, or only the seeker can have a flashlight. It can make the game so much more thrilling when the seeker has to go through a pitch-black house searching for everyone. But do not use any real flames when doing this! (p.s. no one is ever too old to play a game of hide-and-seek)

5)      Do a coloring page. Get some colored pencils and a coloring book. A power outage is a great excuse to do something you wouldn’t have time to do ordinarily, like coloring. I personally like this book!

6)      Read these verses. 

John 8:12 – “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Psalms 119:105 – “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

John 9:5 – “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

Psalms 139:12 – “Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.”

Ephesians 5:8 – “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:”

7)      Write in a journal. Document everything that happens and write down how life is different with and without electricity.

8)      Play the story round game. Set a flashlight on the floor facing up and gather around it, (maybe with blankets and snacks, it can get cold without a working heater in the house). Have one person begin a story with one sentence. Then have the next person in line continue it, and so on until the story ends. Make it as wild or as mild as you wish!

9)      Make shadow puppets. Use a flashlight to cast shadows on the wall. There are so many different animals to do, you could make up a whole show. Make it a game by casting a shadow and having the others guess what it is.

10)  Read a book. It only takes one candle to illuminate a page. You could even read it aloud to someone, if you wanted.

11)  Make a list of all the things you have to get caught up on once the power is back on, things like, reset all the clocks, dispose of thawed-out food in the refrigerator, and recharge all electric devices.

12)  Remember the olden days. Electricity is one of the world’s more modern discoveries. Up until the late 1800s, every family had to live without running water, electric lights, and heaters. They used candles or lanterns for light, wood or coal for warmth, and hand-drawn water every day. Thinking about it this way can even make us feel spoiled by all the many “luxuries” we’ve all been given, like flipping a switch to brighten a room, not to mention cell phones, computers, or toaster ovens!

Living in the past for a while has certainly made me more appreciative of what my ancestors once lived without, and I feel very thankful that I do not have to continue without power permanently. What are some other fun things that you could do during a power outage?


Which board game is better: Scrabble, Clue, or Life?

Have you had a power outage yet this winter?


Megan Joy

11 thoughts on “A Dozen Ways to Keep Busy During a Power Outage

  1. Luckily I don’t have power outages much anymore in LA, but I did sit through many during my days in the Midwest! These are all great tips if I come across another one. Tough call on the board games, but I’m going to have to go with Scrabble.

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  2. I hope you guys have power now ❤ in 2012 we had a bad storm that knocked out electricity. It was in June when it happened, and for those days I was getting up early and just sitting outside. I had a notebook with me and I was recording scriptures. My brother was using my dad’s crank radio, a gift my mom got him. It was a much slower pace during those days. It can teach you a lot. 🙂

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    1. Yes, we do have power now, though the weather is calling for more snow this week, so I pray for no more outages! 🙂
      I definitely agree that it can teach us a lot. I have so much more appreciation for modern conveniences, even though I still would love to live in the past. If only there were some way to bring back all the lovely things of the past and combined them with today’s conveniences. 🙂
      ~ Megan Joy

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      1. I think a lot of it has to do with our way of always being in a rush or having multiple things to do all at once because of our conveniences. I do believe there is a balance we can give, but yeah, it’s going to be hard. 🙂

        Prayers for you guys not to get an outage again. Stay safe and warm. ❤ I’m glad you have the power back right now.

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