Schoolgirl in Summertime

Schoolgirl in Summertime - 3.JPG

I happen to love this dress so much that I wish I had seven of them in different colors, one to wear each day of the week. It’s so cute and comfortable I wear it all day long.

When I wore this dress to church one day, a lady came up to me and told me that she used to be a teacher in Australia, and that many years ago, the schoolgirls down under would wear something like this every day to school.

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Schoolgirl in Summertime - 5.JPG

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Schoolgirl in Summertime - 9.JPG

I love collecting old book. Pictured here we have:

“Mrs. Browning’s Poems”, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. There isn’t a date printed, but it was first published in the mid-eighteen hundreds.

“The Clue in the Crumbling Wall”, by Carolyn Keene, 1945.

“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carroll. It was first published in 1865 but since this copy also includes “Through the Looking Glass” which was written in 1871, it would have to have been printed after that date.

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Schoolgirl in Summertime - 6.JPG

Schoolgirl in Summertime - 12.JPG


dress // thrifted

belt // thrifted

shoes // payless (my sister’s)

glasses // gift

bobby-socks // local dance store

books // thrifted

book ribbon // my great-grandmother’s


Do you like old books?

Have you ever read the three in the post?

Megan Joy

13 thoughts on “Schoolgirl in Summertime

  1. LOVED the look!!! You are amazing and talented! I’m so bad at pairing outfits, I’m just more of eh, it feels alright, so hopefully it looks alright, kinda person. I’ve read Lewis Carroll’s stories of Alice, sometimes it really confused me. Some say as he wrote the stories, he himself, was also going mad. I’ve read some of Elizabeth Barret Browning’s work. For my last college english project in high school, I did a report on her life, and the poem, “Let Me Count The Ways,” or it may have been titled, “How I love thee…” err…hmm. Your photos are very comforting and calming, amidst the chaotic routine our world is in. Keep sharing Megan!!! : )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Your words are so special and meaningful! I also tried to read Alice’s Adventures one day and it was confusing to me, too! I think that the poem is called “How do I love thee?” but I not quite sure myself! It’s neat that you wrote a whole report on Browning for college!
      – Megan Joy

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  2. I love the dress. Isn’t it a blessing when you find something like that, that you really enjoy. I tend to find things I want to wear all the time and I stalk them on line until they go on sale, markdowns, coupons etc and then I buy as many as the good Lord will let me afford. LOL There is nothing better than the smell of an old book. Thanks Megan, I so enjoyed this 🙂

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  3. What a fun dress! My daughters would fit right in with you. They love old books. I know I read that Nancy Drew book when I was young. My daughters both collect Nancy Drew books now. My oldest took over my 80’s collection and my youngest collects the originals. I have an old copy of Alice in Wonderland that does not have a print date in it but I also have a twin book (same cover) of Pinocchio and that has an illustrations copyright date- 1939. My dad gave me these books and they were rescued from a fire.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does sound like your daughters like the same things I do! I’ve never heard of the combination of Alice in Wonderland and Pinocchio! That’s amazing that the books survived a fire. Your Dad must have loved them a lot! Thank you for reading!
      ~ Megan Joy

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