Starlight Blogger Award

Starlight Blogger Award 2 - Simply Megan Joy Blog

Hello again! I’m really excited to share the Starlight Blogger Award. It is passed between bloggers who wish to inspire others and who are a light to their readers. I actually hadn’t ever heard of this award before Megan, from Invisible World nominated me! She has such an inspiring blog filled with fictional writings and is even about to begin a writing challenge called “Flash Fiction!” Go check out her blog!

For this award, the first three questions to answer are passed along with the award, and the last three questions are made up by the nominator. On to the questions:

1) If you could describe or picture your inner soul, how would you describe it?

What a difficult question! I would say that if I could describe my inner soul, the words I would use would be: old fashioned, kindred spirit, dreaming enthusiast, and just simply me.

2) What are you working on right now?

At the moment, I have a few projects going. I am in the midst of writing a Medieval novel, knitting a scarf, renovating an old chicken coop into a writing space/movie set, creating a homeschool portfolio to sum up my last year of high school, and searching for the perfect summer job.

3) What is your creative dream project?

One of my creative dream projects is to make an hour-long movie of some sort, and send it to a film contest. Two other dreams of mine are to sew the perfect 1860s ballgown and to publish at least 10 books in my lifetime.

4) What activities or places inspire you?

The activities that inspire me are; writing, walking, reading, playing a musical instrument, people watching, car rides, and baking. The places that inspire me are; windows, parks, forests, big cities, beaches, attics, and old buildings.

5) If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would you go?

If I could go anywhere in the world for free, I think the first place I would go would be Ireland. The second place would be Japan, and the third, South Africa.

6) Has a book/movie ever moved you so deeply that you carry a piece of it with you? (You had an epiphany while reading/watching or the theme seemed to encapsulate your life.)

I love this question! The answer is definitely yes! The Anne of Green Gables books and the 1980s movies have seemed to capture my heart from the first time I saw them. I have actually memorized the opening scene of the first movie by heart, which is the reading of Lord Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shallot.” I would recite it now for you but it would take much too long. Also, Little Women, and the 1994 movie will forever dwell in a special place in my heart. Both Anne of Green Gables and Little Women are just the two most wondrous things in my mind. They can make one forget their own troubles for a little while and invest in the character’s and create an imagery full of everything lovely!

Here are the rules for this award:

1.     Thank the nominator and add a link to their blog in your post.

2.     Answer Caroline’s 3 original questions as well as the three new questions your nominator has given you.

3.     Choose your 6 favorite bloggers and notify them of their nomination! When choosing your nominees, think of “the light emanating from the stars” – the blogger who truly touches your soul with their work, the ones who are a light to you – a true Starlight Blogger.

4) Include the logo of the award in your blog post. Also, never alter the logo photo or change the three original questions.

Starlight Blogger Award 05/30/2015

The Nominees:

Ruffles and Grace

Minnie Muse


Scattered Journal Pages

Lauren’s Notebook

A Farm Girl’s Life

Questions to Answer:

Original Questions

1) If you could describe or picture your inner soul, how would you describe it?

2) What are you working on right now?

3) What is your creative dream project?

My questions for you:

4) If you were designing the perfect house, what would it look like?

5) Would you rather be inspired or be inspiring?

6) What is the most inspirational food to you?


I’d love to hear anyone’s answers to these questions in the comments!

Megan Joy

5 thoughts on “Starlight Blogger Award

  1. Little Women and Anne of Green Gables are so inspiring! I really enjoyed the questions for this one, and congrats on receiving it! I never thought about how I would describe my soul either. I think one of the words would be a mosaic, God has crafted me from being a leaky vessel into His light shining through. Passionate would be another word. Not sure of a third. : ) Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, thank you soooo much for nominating me, Megan! I feel very honored. 🙂 I liked reading your answers, and I agree – both Little Women and Anne of Green Gables are wondrous books! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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