My Crimson Christmas // Ft. Lindy Bop

Quick disclaimer: This is not a paid sponsorship nor am I in affiliation with Lindy Bop.

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This wonderfully beautiful 1950s inspired dress called the “Marianne Red Swing Dress and Jacket Twin Set” came from Lindy Bop. It was the first time ordering from them and I can’t wait to order another dress in the future. I also bought my crinoline there which I’ve already wore this my last fashion post.

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The crimson color, the fullness of the skirt, the style of the jacket, and its perfect fit made this the best Christmas dress. I just love it! It also comes in dark blue, light blue, pink, burgundy, black, gray, and white, all of which I would love to have. Coming from London, it is of high quality and of wonderful craftsmanship. Unfortunately, the price matches the high quality, so I shall be content with this red one for a while. (P.S. I bought this particular dress on sale. Three cheers for Christmas sales!)

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If you love vintage fashion and classy clothes, you must head over to Lindy Bop. They have so many great finds, and coincidentally, they’re having a 60% off end of year sale, which includes the “Marianne Burgundy Swing Dress and Jacket Twin Set!” Go check it out and come back and tell me if you like it!

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The New Year will soon be upon us, so this will be the last fashion post of the year! Do you have any specific goals for 2018? Any fashion goals?


dress and jacket // lindy bop

shoes // payless

crinoline // lindy bop


Megan Joy

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