Quote of the Week // 33rd Week

Quote of the Week - 33rd Week Simply Megan Joy Blog.png

This quote is from the 1985 film, “Anne of Green Gables” (my all-time favorite movies!) and also from the book. If you remember, there is a scene where Anne and her school teacher, Miss Stacey are walking along the wooded road with books in hand. As they chat, Anne comes to the conclusion that, “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.” In return, knowing of Anne’s past history, Miss Stacey answers: “Well, no mistakes in it yet.”

I found Anne’s quote to be so lovely and pleasant that I hand stitched it onto a piece of fabric. It hangs on my bedroom wall and I look at it every evening.

Quote of the Week 33rd - simplymeganjoy.wordpress.com.JPG

After it had hung there for a day, I realized something about that quote. I realized that I had made a few mistakes in the stitching. Some letters were too big, others were crooked, and some of the flowers weren’t ideally perfect. I had made some mistakes and as I thought about it, those mistakes had carried over into the next day. The mistakes didn’t just fade with the sun, they continued to be mistakes throughout the days and soon, weeks. Was Anne incorrect in her assumption?

We all make mistakes, and unfortunately, they don’t just go away when the day is done. Sometimes we have to live with the consequences of our mistakes for days, months, or even years. But while I point this out, I must also include that I believe that what Anne said is actually true! There is a way that we can start over daily, a way to put the mistakes behind us, and carry on with a fresh view. All we have to do is ask the Lord to forgive us, to heal us, and to helps us continue on the right path. Lay your mistakes at the cross and He will give you strength to endure. There is no way to live a life without making mistakes, but there is a way to leave them behind and be renewed, with His help.

Psalms 55:22a says, “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee:” KJV

1   Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” KJV


What are your thoughts on mistakes?

Do you like needlepoint/hand stitching?

Do you remember that scene from “Anne of Green Gables?”


Megan Joy

11 thoughts on “Quote of the Week // 33rd Week

  1. I love the symbolism in the quote and your stitches. As I love to analyze symbols I’ll add this. Maybe we are flaws, and those flaws carry with us day to day, but even if they are part of our history, their mark (or sting) doesn’t have to carry through the next day. They just become part of our past. We look on them, and move forward, becoming better. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Anne books are my faves! I love this! And I love that there were a few mistakes in your stitching as that seems perfectly fitting for the quote… a true reflection of Anne. I think Anne is right… since faith played a strong role in her life in the novels, she understood the power of forgiveness and the ability to begin each day anew! Thank you for your wonderful blog! I love it!

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