Quote of the Week // 28th Week

Quote of the Week - 28th Week Simply Megan Joy Blog.png

This “paraphrased” quote is by Frances Hodgson Burnett, the author of “The Little Princess” and “The Secret Garden.” I love so many of her writings, and this particular quote is such a lovely one.

I’ve always wondered why there are good times and bad times. When I was little I would try to figure out what made them good or bad. We all have good times and bad. Sometimes the bad times seem to last forever, like a long storm with furious black clouds, severe flashes of lightening, and blasting thunder. But every storm must end sometime; it can’t last forever.

There are many times that can be worrying, frightening, and unforeseen, when all of a sudden, just like Mary Poppins says, “snap” . . . and something wonderful arrives! Whether it’s a big answer to our prayers or a rainbow in the sky, these things tell us that God is in control. He sends us those happy times when we need them. Happy times can come unexpectedly, we just have to wait for them; because no matter how bad the times we live in, we can know that there will always be a happier time to come. Just like a bad storm must always pass to reveal the sun beams, bad times will always pass to reveal good. So be on the lookout for those happy times; sometimes they come without warning and we don’t want to miss them!

Psalms 30:5b

“. . . weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” KJV


Did you ever think that the bad times would never end?

Was there ever a time when good times came unexpectedly?


Megan Joy

8 thoughts on “Quote of the Week // 28th Week

  1. Love both of those books!!! Your scripture choice is one of my favorites as well, cause sometimes we can feel so lost on hard days. I can say I can’t recall the last time I felt bad times would last forever. Even though, I’ve been extremely stressed recently, and scared about the results, God has shown me through His love that things happen with every season. It will pass with His timing, and His grace. And He got me through ❤ But I do wish during the hard times that it would pass swifter, and I have to remind myself to cling to God through the storm : )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad that you were able to find strength and courage during the bad times! It’s such a blessing to know that God will never leave us in the storm. Thank you so much for commenting! Your words always seem to sum up my whole post in just a few words! 🙂
      ~ Megan Joy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve adopted you as my blogging sister at heart : ) and we are sisters in Christ. I love reading your posts because you are inspirational and beautifully unique. We share a lot in common. Of course, I’m going to support you girl!

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  2. Oh my yes, when I was younger, wow the world was always coming to an end. 🙂 Now, it’s well, 6 months from now I will be laughing about this and wonder why I was so traumatized by it. And it never fails there may be another trauma a few months after that, but it will pass. God will handle it the way He always does, and bless me with a memory of it that is not painful. Like a bruise, it hurts really bad when it happens, and while it’s a bruise but it fades and so does the pain associated with it :):)

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    1. You’re so right! I like how you said that God always gives you a non-painful memory of the bad times, instead of the trauma. God does this for my whole family, too, when there’s a crisis. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! 🙂
      ~ Megan Joy

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